
Sunday, January 8, 2017

Brunch Celebrates Life of Fraternity

St. Joseph's Fraternity held its annual "Christmas" party on Jan. 8, with members, spouses and Franciscan-hearted friends gathering for the Sunday buffet brunch at the Radisson Hotel-Utica Centre.

Eighteen people participated.

Minister Bob Stronach, OFS, opened the festivities with the Bessing of St. Clare of Assisi,  which urged the steadfast pursuit of "prudent happiness."

Mary Stronach, OFS, distributed pieces of paper, which sported the name of an attribute or quality, such as Brother Light, Sister Justice, Sister Giver, Sister Generous, Brother Persistent. She asked everyone to ponder the attribute each received and think about ways to incorporate it in his or her life in 2017.

During the meal, fraternity friend Ellen Benton, evangelism coordinator at St. Joseph & St. Patrick Church, announced that the parish would celebrate the 5th anniversary of St. Marianne Cope's feast day with a triduum featuring services and speakers from Jan. 21 to 23.