
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

3 Make Profession into Order

New Professed Members
Walt Raymond, OFS; Doris Horton, OFS; Concetta Carcone, OFS.
UTICA, NY -- St. Joseph Fraternity and the Secular Franciscan Order have three new professed members. Concetta Carcone, OFS, Doris Horton, OFS, and Walter Raymond, OFS, made their professions during an afternoon mass Nov. 22 at St. Joseph-St. Patrick Church.

Fratermnity Minister Joanne Lockwood, OFS, presided over the profession ceremony along with Fr. Linus DeSantis, OFM Conv., who came from the friary at Assumption Church in Syracuse. Fr. Richard Dellos, pastor, concelebrated mass with Father Linus.

Following mass was a reception in the parish center.
Newly professed cut a celebratory cake.
The three newly professed members cut their celebratory cake.