
Friday, December 26, 2014

Fraternity Celebrates Christmas

Twenty seven fraternity members and guests celebrated Christmas dinner together Sumday, Dec. 21, at Swifty's Restaurant in Utica.

Fraternity Minister
Joanne Lockwood, OFS
The festive meal was sprinkled with spirit, from
Jeannette Williams, OFS
the opening prayer led by Minister Joanne Lockwood, OFS... to a formation talk on the nativity by Katie Koscinski, OFS... to discussing the public expression of the real meaning of the season (such as a firehouse "Happy Birthday Jesus" sign).

Donations were collected for the Christ Child Society to help young children in need. Jeannette Bernadette Williams, OFS, spoke of the Society's founder, Mary Virginia Merrick, and led a prayer for her canonization.

Katie Koscinski
Katie Koscinski, OFS
Extra food from the buffet was donated to Mother Marianne's West Side Kitchen.